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Planting Bulbs in the Fall in your Garden

If you’re not a landscaping expert like Lehnhoff but want to get involved in your gardening this fall, planting bulbs is goof-proof way to go, even for those who don’t have a green thumb. In a few simple steps, you can be on your way to designing a pretty plot that will be flourishing in no time. Here are our tips for planting bulbs in the autumnal season:

  • Bulbous Bulbs: Start with high-quality bulbs that are full and firm rather than soft and squishy. In this case, the bigger the better, too: larger bulbs will bloom more in comparison with smaller ones of the same type.
  • Location, Location, Location: Bulbs need full sun – at least six hours a day – with well-drained soil to grow generously. Pick your spot carefully to ensure healthy plants.
  • Timing is Everything: September and October is the time to bury flowers that will bloom in the spring in your soil. Tulips and daffodils are popular options.
  • Dig Deep: A good rule of thumb is to dig the holes for your bulbs two to three times deeper than its height, but be sure to consult the planting instructions that come with your bulbs for more information.
  • Which Way is Up?: Bulbs that have pointed tips should be planted with the tapered end facing up. If you can’t tell, try to locate the roots and put that part in the soil so they can take root and flower.
  • Good Eats: Bulbs need to be nourished with well-drained soil infused with nutrients. Adding compost into the holes you dig for your bulbs will enhance the quality of the dirt.
  • Weed Whacker: Not only unsightly, but also nutrient thieves, weeds attract insects and disease and weaken your plants’ chance of thriving. Cover your soil with a few inches of mulch to thwart the growth of these intruders. As a bonus, the mulch will also help deter squirrels and other animals from digging up your newly planted seed.
  • Water, water everywhere!: Like any plant, your bulbs will need a good watering in order to be inspired to shoot out their roots and grow, preventing them from drying out.

For a natural look, opt to plant your bulbs in a large, nonuniform grouping rather than in perfect rows. We also recommend varying your variety of bulbs by placing small perennials like crocuses with larger bulbs like lilies – this will maximize the impact in your little plot of land. With their low maintenance and diverse assortment, bulbs are a cost-effective and fun way to boost the design of your landscape with a little extra color and variation.

If you have any questions, please contact Lehnhoff’s Landscaping by calling 443.921.5789 or visit today!

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Tips for Planting Your Favorite Bulbs

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