Learn some of the benefits of mulching!
With the weather warming up over the last couple of weeks, it is safe to say that spring has sprung in the mid-Atlantic. There is no better time of year than spring to mulch your garden or yard. Mulching is a great thing you can do for your garden. Mulching not only adds a clean uniformity to your property, but it is also very functional. It adds a protective barrier around your pants covering your bare soil. Mulch can be made up of a number of organic materials like wood chips, pine needles, straw, and cocoa bean shells. It can also include things like black plastic, landscaping fabric, recycled tires, pebbles, and river rock. Keep reading to find out about all the advantages of mulching your garden this spring!
Pest Control
Some types of mulch can help to control certain garden pests that could otherwise wreak havoc on your plants. For example, cedar bark can deter certain pests because its natural oil acts as an insect repellent. If this is your goal, make sure that your mulch is fragrant. It is best to also avoid piling up mulch against tree trunks or plant stems as this can lead to more insect issues. Also, be sure to keep your mulch from two to four inches deep, as too deep of a mulch layer can cause more problems.
Though mulching deters pests, it also encourages a certain helpful animal to move into your garden. Mulching attracts earthworms to move into your garden soil. Earthworms help improve soil structure and promote nutrient cycling. It is a win-win situation. The worms get a safe environment in which to live and you get good, health soil in return.
Weeds, Moisture, Nutrients
Mulching your garden on an annual basis can reduce the number of weeds that can spring up in open spaces of your garden. Mulch is a natural barrier that limits sunlight from reaching weeds. Organic mulch also absorbs water, which can nourish soil and limit evaporation. This is especially important especially if there has not been much rain for a while. Mulch will help out your plants and your water bill. On top of retaining water, mulch also prevents soil erosion from washing away your soil. Mulch breaks the fall of water and lessens the force when it hits the ground, limiting erosion in your garden.
Not only does mulch help to retain water, but it also helps the soil retain nutrients. Mulch can release nutrients into your soil if you are using a healthy organic mulch as the organic material slowly decomposes on top of the soil.
Mulching Questions? Lehnoff’s Landscaping Can Help
If you have more questions about springtime mulching, Lenhoff’s Landscaping is here to help you out! Our trained professionals can help you with whatever outdoor needs you have. Give us a call at 443-921-5789. For tips, tricks, and to see what we have been up to, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and Google+.