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Energy Efficient Outdoor Lighting Options

energy effiecent lightingOutdoor lighting has grown so much from being a practical consideration to a way to add design elements and personality to your backyard. One hot (and functional!) trend in outdoor lighting is energy efficient options that are environmentally friendly and add up significant savings during the long summer nights.


Your options for going green are plentiful: numerous light sources are available with provide considerably more light per unit of energy while offering better light control. One of the most popular options out there is solar powered lights: these lights make use of the power of the sun to charge their batteries, rather than drawing power from your electric source. Because they use natural, renewable sources of energy, they have become best sellers with Eco-conscious and budget-conscious consumers alike. Even better, they come in a variety of styles and materials, making it easy to find a light to match your design aesthetic for your backyard.


Some people also favor LED or CFL type bulbs for their lawns, because they are longer lasting than your traditional light bulbs, and take up less energy. However, there are some pros and cons to each: while an LED light is longer-lasting and conserves heat, making it more cost-effective, it won’t necessarily light up your entire lawn. It tends to produce light in only one direction, which is good if you are planning to spotlight a feature or area of your garden. A CFL light is cheaper than an LED, but won’t last as long. However, a CFL light can be a good, affordable solution for outdoor lighting.


Another option to consider when planning your outdoor lighting solutions is whether or not you want lighting controls. By controlling when and where lights are used, how long they are on, and how bright they can be, energy conservation and efficiency can be increased dramatically. It could be as simple as an on/off switch, or a program that activates lights automatically so you are only using them when they are needed. By managing your lighting solutions so they are in use only when needed, you can go a long way to adding savings to your energy bill.


Ready to get started on finding the right lights for your backyard? Give Lehnhoff’s Landscaping a call at 443.921.5789 or visit today. We can help you plan for your new energy efficient outdoor lighting solutions so your garden is well lit, keeps you in style, and saves you money year-round.




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